This Won’t Make You Rich But It Could Make You Happy

Today, I’m going to be talking about how we often prioritize monetary success over our own happiness, and why it might be time to reevaluate our goals. A lot of opportunity lies in understanding the distinction between wealth and happiness. They say money can’t buy you love. Well, it can’t buy you happiness, either.

You’re going to find out about the ongoing debate backed up by numerous studies: Do wealthier people experience more happiness? While a certain level of income can indeed contribute to a sense of well-being, additional wealth doesn’t always equate to additional happiness. This is because after our basic needs are met, the value of money tends to plateau in relation to our happiness.

This isn’t just about dollars and cents; it’s also about the emotional and psychological satisfaction we derive from our lives. Many success stories are not about people who have accumulated wealth, but about those who have found a profound sense of joy and accomplishment by pursuing their passions.

Consider this: alongside the rise of the minimalist movement and experiences over possessions, there’s a growing number of people who are choosing lifestyles and careers that foster their well-being rather than their bank accounts. They might not make the cover of Forbes, but their stories are no less significant. They illuminate the richness of a life well-lived, defined not by material accumulation but by experiences and personal growth.

I’m here to help you explore the power of choosing happiness over wealth, and it’s fascinating to see the research that supports this shift. If you’re expecting a fairy-tale ending where following your dreams leads to a pot of gold, you might be surprised. Instead, you will learn that embracing what you love brings a different kind of wealth, one that fills the spirit and enlivens the mind.

Crafting a Life You Love, Not a Life You Afford

I’m here to help you understand that you can always adjust your approach down the road, but choosing something that resonates with you from the get-go can make all the difference. This isn’t just about carving out a hobby; it’s about integrating what you genuinely enjoy into your daily grind.

You might have a stable job that pays the bills, but if it’s draining your spirit, that’s the high price you’re paying for financial security. It’s about finding the sweet spot where you can do what you love while managing your financial responsibilities, without the excess that those extra zeros in your bank account might promise. Choose something that resonates with you.

I chose to write books (see and do affiliate marketing. Both endeavors I enjoy a great deal. I also teach a bit about affiliate marketing so that others can experience a level of freedom which goes beyond money.

There’s a lot of opportunity in following your happiness. Take the stories of countless artists, teachers, social workers, and entrepreneurs who jumped off the high-paying bandwagon to start something that brought them joy. A chef who left a corporate job to start a food truck, a lawyer turned non-profit founder, or a trader who pursued a dream of writing novels. They all share a common thread – prioritizing happiness over wealth.

If you want to make that leap, start by mapping your passions to potential careers. It doesn’t mean throwing caution to the wind; it’s about strategic steps towards a life that’s more fulfilling. Maybe start it as a side hustle, take some classes to hone your skills, or volunteer to get a taste of the life you’re eyeing.

Just don’t focus too much on perfection right out of the gate. Your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. Iterate, evolve, and be patient with the process. Pursuing what makes you happy is a journey, not a one-time event. It’ll take time, effort, and sometimes even a few detours.

And hey, guess what? You’re going to find out about a richer experience of life when you align your work with your passion. That’s the strategy I like to leverage and one that I really hope that you’ll consider, too. So my question to you today is, what are you waiting for? Start crafting a life you love. Because at the end of the day, happiness may not be in the purchase you make, but in the moments you cherish and the work that gives you purpose.

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